Wen-Hsin Chang

Taiwan Headquarters ESG Sustainability Consultant|ESG Director

  •  Education
  • Certification in Cities: Navigating Urban Power & Influence, Questrom school of Business, Boston University / Arup University, USA
  • MSc in Renewable Energy and Architecture, School of Built
  • Environment, University of Nottingham, UK
  • Bachelor of Architecture, Chaoyang University of Technology
  •   License
  • Sustainable Energy Research Foundation - Corporate Sustainability Manager Certificate
  •  Skill
  • Corporate Sustainability (ESG)
  • Sustainable Architecture and District Planning
  •  Work Experience

Delta Air Lines Sky Way Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport


Google Spruce Goose Los Angeles Office


LEED BD C for Kolon Future Research Park, South Korea

Korea Technology Park (D-City) Sustainable District Planning

New Mexico City International Airport

Research on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Guggenheim Abu Dhabi Estidama Green Building Certification

Kit of parts Preschool modular classroom recycling design

LEED NC for multiple buildings on the SBCCD campus in the United States

PG&E On-Bill-Financing (OBF) Program QA in California, USA

United Daily News Headquarters Building LEED BD C

EPA's Low (Zero) Carbon Building Demonstration Case Parallel Diagnosis Promotion

Taipei Tennis Center

  •  Profile

Zhang Wenxin has ten years of experience as a sustainable consultant in the fields of architecture and environment at home and abroad. We are currently committed to promoting the sustainable development of the construction industry and the environment through the concept of ESG. With a background in architecture and engineering consulting, she is adept at integrating multifaceted environmental issues to provide optimal solutions and sustainable blueprints. She has extensive experience in new building design, renovation of existing buildings, sustainable district planning and policy frameworks.

Zhang Wenxin uses an interdisciplinary and cross-field approach and understands each other's language and perspectives to facilitate collaboration within the team. She is also actively involved in the local and international green building communities, including assisting in the development of the USGBC LEED for Airport rating system and the UN SDGs Promotion Committee while in the United States.

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